Hi Ije. i missed last weeks writeup. After reading todays i came back to refresh. I agree with Ify n Novo completely. Contentment is internally motivated and birthed when one attains to the knowledge/understanding of the essence of life as a gift for the moment. One is more able to appreciate this gift of omnipotent kindness and gets filled with gratitude. This gratitude state of mind then regulates our internal conditions which manifests on the outside. This understanding has helped me continue being me against all odds.

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Another good piece Ije,

I feel like this theme of homeostasis and contentment ties in neatly with your previous article/fable on the fisherman and buisness man.

My thought is that contentment is an INNER work rather than EXTERNAL work. Meaning that it's a feeling/something that is already inside of all of us that we can harness/tap into at anytime. It's not based on eternal things such as money, career, relationships, etc.

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I'm starting to believe that it is not external conditions that determine when an individual enters this Goldilocks zone. The human mind conceives a new desire the moment you fulfill the previous one. I think contentment is something we decide in our minds. We decide to be satisfied with our environment.

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Looking forward to what you garner. Lovely read.

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