I love whenever I send an email and it makes this swoosh sound for me to know the mail has been sent. It always reminds me of a plane taking off.
I have always wondered about how planes defy gravity. And learnt that for anything to take over power gravity, the force needs to be more than the gravitational pull.
But that sounds very common-sensical, right? If you want to overpower something then you had better be either stronger than it or smarter.
But the tricky part is how to know how powerful or how much smarter your opponent is. We have been advised not to judge a book by its cover. Some fragile-looking people might take a giant out if they knew the right moves and if all the tortoise stories we were told as kids are to be believed then we know it’s sometimes survival of the wittiest.
Escape velocity is the minimum velocity needed by anybody or object to be projected to overcome the gravitational pull of the planet earth. That is the minimum velocity that is required to escape gravity and float or fly/stay in space.
It means escaping the ground without any chance of falling down. Therefore, any object or body reaching the escape velocity of the earth can “escape” the gravitational field (downward pull) of the earth.
“The ability of an aeroplane to attain escape velocity and fly through the sky is based on laws of physics about these four forces; lift, weight, and thrust. and drag which are the forces experienced by an aircraft.
Lift is an upward force experienced by objects like helicopters, aeroplanes, rockets, and birds inclusive. The wings on an aeroplane are designed to create an upward force (a lift) when it moves with a high speed through the air, also, the fast whirling blades of a helicopter in the air create a lift for it. The weight of an aircraft is a function of its mass and the influence of gravity. It is a downward force that pulls an object toward the centre of the earth.”-Steemit.com
We will equate lift to me the supporting behaviours that will help you achieve your goals eg a great mindset/ attitude, grit etc.
Weight or gravitational pull we’ll mean anything stopping you from achieving something important. eg your beliefs, bad habits Anything lying on you like those guys in wrestling and not letting you get up or when you get up it pulls you back down.
Drag is those things actively pulling back. Wrong influences and environment etc
Thrust is the thing that will propel you forward after you have lifted eg mentors.
To escape these effects of pull and drag, the forces of your lift and thrust need to be higher than both of them.
“For an aeroplane to attain an escape velocity so that it can move through the air and enter into orbit, the aeroplane must possess a greater amount of thrust than drag so that it can speed up, also the lift force must be greater than the weight so that the aeroplane can go up faster. The lift force and the thrust work relatively to determine if an aeroplane will move faster to attain escape velocity and move up into the orbit. Once all forces acting on an aeroplane is balanced, that is, the thrust is equal to the drag force and the lift force is equal to the weight, the aeroplane can move steadily in a straight line, upward and downward. Escape velocity also finds its application in Satellite installation in space.” - Steemit.com
We must create systems, routines, habits, and environments( including people) that help us do things without resistance. It’s at that point when it becomes so easy and second nature that we have reached escape velocity. Think about the things you do without thinking or much resistance like brushing your teeth.
If you haven’t read Atomic Habits by James Clear can you please do yourself a favour and look for that book? And when you find it, love, and cherish it.
Let’s “escape” all the pulls and drags standing in the way of our brilliance and run towards the lifts and thrusts.
Keep going,